EA Corporate Offices are closed Tuesday, January 7.
Call Center staff please follow supervisor guidance.

Contact us

At Education Affiliates, our mission is to serve, with excellence, the needs of our community and the needs of our graduates by matching skills.

Education Affiliates provides local employers with interns and job candidates equipped with the skills today's employers need. When your company needs an intern or is looking for a trained employee in one of the fields we teach, call our Career Services Center or use our Information Form below and find the right person for the job quickly, effortlessly, and at no cost to you.

If you have an opening in your company, one of our graduates likely has the skills you need! Our placement services are always free of charge to both employers and graduates. Students are encouraged to sit for professional certification examinations in their majors. Most interns and graduates have certifications which enhance their value in the employment market.

If you have an opening in your company, one of our graduates likely has the skills you need!

Please complete the following information below and our placement office will contact you for complete job listing information.


Campus Staff: click here
Students: click here


Phone: 410-633-2929
General Inquiries: info@edaff.com
Career Inquiries: careers@edaff.com

  For all other inquiries: